Rise or Run: major update and example of play!

Some friends have already sent me feedback about the manual. I've fixed a few errors and better clarified that the Sovereign can only be removed after experiencing two Ruins.

I've also written this example with great effort. Please consider that, unfortunately, for now I can't sit at my PC, and I'm working from bed with just a phone and virtual machine - you can imagine the situation. 

Alcuni amici mi hanno già mandato dei feedback sul manuale. Ho corretto qualche errore e chiarito meglio che il Sovrano può essere rimosso solo dopo aver vissuto due Ruin.

Ho anche scritto questo esempio con grande fatica. Considerate che purtroppo almeno per ora non riesco a stare davanti al PC e dal letto con cellulare e macchina virtuale potete immaginare che situazione. L'Esempio è solo in inglese per ora, poi quando impaginerò, metterò gli esempi dentro il manuale.

Kingdom of Valoria

The Crown 👑

Queen Isolde Blackthorn

  • Gained power through regency after king's mysterious death
  • Prioritizes kingdom's economic growth and stability
  • Supported by merchant guilds but nobles are skeptical
  • Greatest fear: losing control during time of crisis

The People 🏘️

Marcus Greenfield

  • Leader of the Farmers' Alliance
  • Fighting against heavy taxation on harvest
  • Recent crown decision to export grain has left people hungry

The Threat ⚔️

General Viktor Stormbringer

  • Commander of the Empire of Xantis's armies
  • Desires Valoria's strategic ports and trade routes
  • Commands a vast army of 10,000 trained soldiers

The Traditions 📜

High Priestess Elara Moonweaver

  • Guardian of the Sacred Grove
  • Protecting ancient burial grounds from exploitation
  • Warns of divine retribution if sacred lands are violated

The Intrigues 🗡️

Lord Sebastian Viper

  • Royal Spymaster and noble councilor
  • Seeks control of military decisions
  • Holds evidence of queen's involvement in king's death

Kingdom Details

  • Main groups: farmers, merchants, artisans, nobles
  • Sacred values: ancestor worship, harmony with nature
  • Current crisis: food shortage and military threat
  • Borders: Empire of Xantis (north), Merchants' League (east)

Sarah (the facilitator and The Crown player), Tom, Rachel, Mike, and David sit at the table, looking at the Kingdom Sheet. As players, they discuss the Kingdom's situation to help create the Dilemma:

Sarah: "Looking at the sheet, I see the farmers are really struggling with those harvest taxes."

Mike: "And this Empire of Xantis seems to be putting a lot of pressure on the northern border."

Rachel: "The sacred burial grounds could be a big issue too - they're right where all the trade happens."

David: "Plus there's this whole mystery about how the Queen came to power. The nobles are suspicious."

Tom: "So we've got hungry people, military threats, and religious tension all at once."

Sarah (as Crown player): "Alright, I think I see our Dilemma. Let me write it on the sheet: 'The Empire of Xantis offers to send us enough grain to feed everyone through winter, but demands we build their new trading post on our sacred burial grounds. Accepting means food but desecration, refusing means keeping our traditions but facing starvation.'"

Sarah points to Rachel. "I choose High Priestess Elara Moonweaver."

Rachel points to Tom. "I'll be Marcus Greenfield from the Farmers' Alliance."

Tom points to Mike. "General Viktor Stormbringer for me."

Mike points to David. "I'll take Lord Sebastian Viper."

Scene in the Grand Temple

Sarah (as Queen Isolde): Standing at the throne, her crown gleaming in the torchlight "My council, the Empire's offer sits before us. Grain for our people, at the cost of our ancestors' rest."

Rachel (as High Priestess): Steps forward, sacred crystals clinking at her waist "Your Majesty, the spirits themselves weep at the thought. Our tradition holds that disturbing their rest will curse our lands for generations!"

Tom (as Marcus): Moves forward, dust still on his worn boots "With respect, High Priestess, the spirits may weep but our children are already dying. Just yesterday I buried little Anna, the miller's daughter."

Mike (as General Viktor): Cold smile playing across his face "Such tragedy. My Emperor's generosity could end this suffering today. Surely some old bones can be... respectfully relocated?"

David (as Sebastian): Emerges from a shadowed column "How interesting that the Empire's 'help' requires control of our most strategic port. The same port their warships could use to dominate our trade."

Tom (as Marcus): Voice rising "Trade? PORT? My people are STARVING in the streets while you play politics!"

Rachel (as Elara): Raises her staff "The ancestors protected us through worse famines than this. Their blessing is worth more than Imperial grain!"

Mike (as Viktor): "Protected you? Look around, priest. Your gods seem rather... absent lately."

David (as Sebastian): Moving closer to the throne "Perhaps your Emperor's generosity might not require quite so much... sacred land? I have certain letters suggesting his grip on power isn't as firm as it appears."

Sarah (as Queen Isolde): "RISE OR RUIN!" Stands from her throne "We will not desecrate our ancestors. Instead, we shall seize the Empire's border granaries. Let them learn the price of threatening Valoria."

Now each will declare support or opposition: 

  • Rachel (as High Priestess): "The Crown upholds our sacred traditions. You have my blessing and support." Places a black card
  • Tom (as Marcus): "The people will suffer for this pride! May the ancestors' spirits fill their empty bellies!" Angrily throws down a red card
  • Mike (as General Viktor): Hand tightening on sword hilt "The Empire will remember this insult." Places a red card
  • David (as Sebastian): A thin smile "Bold. Very bold, Your Majesty. My agents are ready." Places a black card

With two black and two red cards, a random card is drawn.  it's RED.  So we add a negative symbol on the sheet. After I shuffle the deck and a Red Card is drawn.

The Kingdom faces RUIN.

First, the oracle deck is emptied.

The players who opposed the Crown (Tom and Mike) describe the catastrophe:

"The fires begin at dawn. As Valorian forces approach the Imperial granaries, they find the enemy was waiting. Every storehouse burns, black smoke climbing into the sky. But this was just a diversion - the Empire's main army strikes from the south, cutting through our weakened defenses to seize the fertile valley. Within days, half our farmland falls under Imperial control. Those fields they don't occupy, they salt and burn behind them."

Each role must face or suffer the catastrophe, based on their earlier support/opposition:

  • Sarah (as Queen Isolde): Stands in the council chamber, dawn's red light filtering through the smoke outside "We've preserved our sacred lands, but at what cost..."
  • Rachel (as High Priestess Elara): Desperately clutching her sacred staff "The ancestors will protect us! They must! We kept faith with them!"
  • Tom (as Marcus): Bursts into the chamber, covered in soot "The southern fields are lost! Refugees flood the city by the thousands! There's nothing to feed them with!"
  • Mike (as General Viktor): Coldly observing from horseback "Such devastation could have been avoided. Remember this when winter comes."
  • David (as Sebastian): Steps from shadows "My agents report the Empire knew our exact plans. Someone in this very chamber has betrayed us."

Now Tom and Mike (who opposed the Crown) can remove one Character who supported the Crown. 

They choose High Priestess Elara:

"As riots break out near the temple district, a mob storms the Sacred Grove. High Priestess Elara stands alone, defending the ancestral grounds. She falls - whether to Imperial soldiers or starving citizens, none can say. Her death marks the end of the old, unbending ways."

The sheet is updated:

  • High Priestess Elara's name is crossed out
  • A negative symbol is drawn next to her name
  • The catastrophe is recorded: "The Great Burning - Imperial forces destroy granaries and salt fields. High Priestess falls."
  • A negative symbol is drawn next to Event

For the next Event:

  • Two black cards will be added to the new oracle's deck
  • All Players must create a new Character to replace Elara
  • The Crown (weakened but not fallen) must face new challenges

New High Priest assignement:

Tom: "I think the new High Priest should be someone who saw the suffering firsthand. Aldrich Stone was a junior priest who secretly shared temple stores with starving families."

 Mike: "Makes sense. And maybe he spoke against Elara's rigid stance, suggesting ways to preserve traditions while still dealing with the Empire?" 

David: "Yes, and he could have support from both common people for his charity and some nobles who want a more practical approach." Sarah: "Sounds like a good Character for this moment in our Kingdom's crisis." On the sheet they add: High Priest Aldrich Stone

Rose from junior ranks after Elara's fall Advocates adapting traditions to survive Known for secretly aiding the hungry Supported by both commoners and reform-minded nobles

Now with two black cards in the oracle deck, and this new dynamic in the Kingdom, they can begin discussing the next pressing matters for a new Dilemma...


33 days ago
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